Kimverlyn Lim is an artist and creative coder, exploring materiality, form, and process within cybernetic performance spaces. With a foundation in interaction design and media communication, she is interested in the interactivity between inanimate objects, audience, and environment, with a priority on elements such as sound and light as part of the choreographic space. 

Often through the combined mediums of audio-visuals, creative code, and 3D software, her previous work includes posthumanist narratives, mostly in collaboration with musicians and events.

She is currently in The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, studying for her Masters of Architecture for Design for Performance and Interaction.

Also enjoys:

  • hand-built pottery

  • mixing music and exploring different genres, particularly UK bass, breakbeat, techno, and IDM

  • time travel and sci-fi anime

  • cosy games like harvest moon

If you'd like to connect, feel free to reach out at

Doing audiovisuals for SPADESROOM